One of the most elusive bits of good information for sim setups like this, are the settings. There’s a lot more information for Moza wheels (Moza Pit House settings) out there than for DOF Reality Motion Sims. I’ve found that most of this information is for racing setups and not trucking. As well, some of the suggested setups are just plain bad!
On this page of the series, I am posting screenshots of all the pertinent settings I use on my sim rig. The usual, sensible disclaimer should be observed: These are my settings and they work great for me on my sim rig. If they work great for you too, awesome! If they don’t work on your setup or they don’t work to your expectations, too bad. You obviously can tweak them to your liking, or don’t use them at all if you feel they are going in the wrong direction for you. It’s up to you. If you find that these settings work well for you, please comment below and let others know you’ve tried them and that they work well for you too! This will add some validation that the settings work well, regardless of computer systems and knowing that, would help others!
DOF Reality H3 Settings
Before I get to the game settings, I want to start with configuring all the external devices first, starting with the DOF Reality H3 and its driver software, Sim Racing Studio. There are several downloadable “profiles” for the ATS/ETS2 games in SRS that I have tried, and they are … awful! Every profile I tried left the platform … “deaf”. Only the extremes in the game were resolved as movement in the seat and it was just a boring experience. If you have a DOF Reality platform (H3, P3, H6, P6 should all work) give these settings a try:
I think you will find the platform MUCH more active, engaging, and realistic for these games!
Moza Pit House Settings
The next device to configure is the Moza Pit House software. Everything in the Pit House software has been left at their default settings with only a few exceptions. The Maximum Steering Angle has been set to 1600°. This was suggested from research I did to find out the actual steering angle in a Peterbilt 389.
That’s it. Everything else, with the exception of calibrating the shifter, has been left at their respective defaults. The Moza Wheel Stalks have a setup procedure I followed to get them to work in the game. I only had to change one thing in the game keybindings and it all worked perfectly.
ATS/ETS2 Game Settings
These game settings play a very important part in getting the proper feedback from the game to your devices and enhancing the game play immersion. Keep in mind, some of the settings impact the feedback you get in the wheel, some of these settings are to compliment the feedback you get in the motion platform. If you don’t have a DOF Reality platform and/or not using SRS for your sim control, some of these settings might not make sense for your setup. Adjust accordingly.
ATS/ETS2 Game Input Settings
ATS/ETS2 Game Physics Settings
ATS/ETS2 Graphics Settings
A few additional settings I personally run: nothing “automatic” is turned on or used, Advanced Trailer Coupling is on, no fatigue and no traffic offenses. The fatigue and traffic offenses are irritating when playing online with others like in Convoy mode or TruckersMP (TMP) as nobody wants to pull over and wait for you to “sleep”, etc.
OK, everything is set, what’s it like to drive?