RiverTy’s Truck Sim Rig – Part 3 of 3 – The Drive

cab view

So, what’s it like to drive? If you ask me, amazing! The GT Omega XL seat is comfortable, the Moza steering wheel and all buttons, levers and switches are all easy to reach, easy to operate and work well. The view from the triple monitors pretty much covers the whole peripheral and is easy to visually tune out everything else. Having a surround sound system that provides positional audio from the game makes it easy to know where the other traffic is. Positioning the subwoofer where the engine should be along with the Buttkicker under the seat really showcases the power that Cummins Diesel has!

It’s hard to put into words exactly what it feels like in the driver’s seat so, I recorded a short demo that might help give you a better idea. You might turn your volume up a bit to hear the sim. Check it out below!

That’s all I have to add to this series. I hope you found it an easy and quick read, that you found some answers to things, maybe even found some inspiration to build your own sim setup!

Thanks for checking it out and hopefully, I’ll see you down the virtual road sometime! Cheers!